Raising awareness across the board at RD&E

FORCE is making sure staff, patients and visitors at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital know all about the services we provide on site.

Three large, new information boards have gone up at Wonford, detailing the support available to anyone locally affected by cancer.

They will help signpost people to our Support and Information Centre with a map, a list of what FORCE offers and a section for our useful leaflets.

The boards have been put up in Surgical Outpatients, on Yeo Ward and in the Oncology Centre opposite the snack bar run by FORCE volunteers.

“We want to make sure that anyone using Cancer Services at the RD&E is readily aware that FORCE is here on site for them,” said Annie Kerr, our Information Manager.

“It is important to let people know that there is face-to-face support available for them and all our services are free of charge,” she added.

  • Annie is pictured below with staff from the RD&E radiotherapy team.