Robyn’s turn to feel the Nello buzz
Robyn Walton has a very special reason for signing up to ride this year’s Nello. Last year she cheered from…
Volunteers are an essential and valued part of our charity and their contribution is vital. They help us maintain the amazing services we provide and we couldn’t do it without them.
We are always keen to hear from anyone wanting to join our dedicated team of volunteers. It all starts by contacting our Voluntary Service Coordinator, Heather Taylor on 01392 406154 or email heather.taylor@forcecancercharity.co.uk
Your time is a valuable donation to us. Thank you.
If you are looking for an opportunity to get involved with FORCE, there are a number of ways you can support us by donating your time in a range of volunteering roles.
Volunteers are the first point of contact at the FORCE Cancer Support and Information Centre, welcoming visitors, helping them to feel at ease and offering refreshments. You don’t need a healthcare background or personal experience of cancer, just the ability to listen and sensitivity to the needs of others. Centre volunteers must be pro-active, flexible, willing to use a computer and fulfil every aspect of the role with confidence. The role involves visiting the RD&E’s Cherrybrook Chemotherapy Unit to offer refreshments to patients and give out information about FORCE. Centre volunteers operate from 9:00-12.45 or 12.45-4.30.
Volunteers are a key part of FORCE’s commitment to making our services available to anyone who needs them as close as possible to where they live. Thanks to our outreach programme we are now able to cover more areas of Devon, providing help and support to anyone affected by cancer. At Ottery St Mary, Okehampton and Tiverton we mirror a number of the services on offer at our Exeter Support and Information Centre. Volunteers play a vital role in helping us to deliver services to people who are affected by cancer in these communities.
We run the snack bar at the Oncology Centre at the RD&E. It is open from 9.30am-4.15pm, Monday to Friday. Our volunteers are the friendly faces who serve patients, visitors and staff with drinks and refreshments as well as directing people to the FORCE Support Centre where appropriate. They are responsible for opening and closing the snack bar, operating the till, cashing up, washing up, stock control and daily checks including cleaning and hygiene. Volunteer times for this role are 9am-12.45pm and 12.45pm-4.30pm, allowing time for set up and close down.
Our Shop in Fore Street, Heavitree, Exeter is open Monday to Saturday from 10:30am to 4pm. It sells donated goods and is one of the most popular of its kind in the country. There are volunteering opportunities on the shop floor, including till operators, or behind the scenes. You can be as flexible with the time you have available to volunteer. To join the team or get more information, call into the Shop for a chat with manager Anna Heard or email forceshop@forcecancercharity.co.uk.
FORCE organises a number of fundraising events throughout the year like bike rides, concerts, runs and fayres. We couldn’t make them happen without the help of a huge team of volunteers. We also have Friends of FORCE groups in many local towns and villages and they need helpers at the events they run to raise vital funds. We need you to join our team.
Download a copy now for more information.
Download a copy now for more information.
If you like the opportunities we have to offer, you will be asked to complete an online application form so that we can find out more about you, why you want to become a volunteer, what you can contribute, your skills and suitability and how much time you can give.
The next step is to visit our Exeter Support Centre for an informal chat and a look around to find out more about the work of the charity. This is our chance to find out more about you, talk in more detail about your application and hopefully decide between us which role suits you best. After this, FORCE will provide you with training, give you helpful guidelines and you’ll have a full induction process to help you meet the responsibilities of your role.
You must be enthusiastic, have the ability to talk to our visitors appropriately and have a willingness to embrace all aspects of the role. You need to be fairly physically fit as our roles involve activities such as light lifting, moving trolleys, chairs and tables. You must be able to stay calm when it’s busy and be pro-active during quiet times. If you are looking to volunteer at our Support Centre, you will need to be comfortable with using a laptop computer and iPads. Experience of using a cash register would be useful for volunteering in our Oncology Centre Snack Bar or operating the till at our shop but full training is available.
The minimum age for volunteering at FORCE is 18. We are unable to take any school students looking for work experience. There is no maximum age but you must be physically able to perform all the tasks involved in your role.
For volunteers at the Centre, in outreach and at the snack bar, the process can take up to three months, depending on when the next induction session is being held. The process for Shop volunteers can be quicker.
This really is up to you. We have volunteers who come in weekly, fortnightly or some want to be cover volunteers and fill in as and when they are needed. Most volunteers decide on a certain day/session that suits them best. We would never expect you to do a full day. We invest a lot of time in getting you to the point of volunteering, so while we always remain as flexible as possible, it’s better for you to come regularly as it integrates you into the charity sooner and you gain more from the experience.
Yes. We ask you to give the names and contact details of two people who are not family members, are over the age of 18 years and have been known to you for more than two years.
Yes. We will ask you for personal information and we need certain types of original ID in order to complete this check. The DBS check is done at Enhanced Level for all volunteers with the exception of our shop, where volunteers don’t require a DBS check.
Once a full 12 months have passed after your cancer treatment and/or from the last time you used any of our services at FORCE, we can consider you for volunteering. However, even after this time, not everyone is ready to start volunteering. If you have experienced a cancer-related bereavement, we would advise that you leave it at least a year before applying. It’s important for your own wellbeing and that of our patients that you are able to support others effectively.
In the first instance, we would always place you in one of the established roles. However, if we know you have other skills and the charity finds a way that we can invest in those further, we would consider the possibility of enhancing your volunteer role.
Yes. There are some one-off training requirements and things you need to be aware of before you attend the induction session. These are done electronically so it’s important that you are able to complete these. At the induction session you will receive the practical aspects of training in Moving and Handling and Fire Safety as well as information about Data Protection. Our Snack Bar volunteers need to complete a Food Awareness question sheet annually and full training is also given in our charity shop. Once you become a volunteer, you’ll receive ongoing training, support and supervision.
Once you’ve been a regular volunteer with us for at least six months and we know you well enough to give a comprehensive reference, we’d be happy to provide you with one. We can do this up to three years after you have stopped volunteering if needed.
People volunteer with FORCE Cancer Charity for many different reasons. Some want to improve existing skills and learn new ones. Others like the company and friendships made and some have experienced using our services and want the opportunity to give something back by volunteering in their community.
We are always keen to hear from anyone wanting to join our dedicated team of volunteers. It all starts by contacting our Voluntary Service Coordinator, Heather Taylor on 01392 406154 or email heather.taylor@forcecancercharity.co.uk