Original John returns for one last ride

John Brandon is travelling nearly 12,000 miles to be involved in this year’s Nello.

He was a teacher in Exeter before he and his family moved to New Zealand in 2001.

John is one of the Nello originals, taking part in the first two rides and returning twice more for the event, the last time in 2019.

“It is very exciting to be able to participate in this the 25th Nello. I am now 71 and think I might have one more Nello in me!” he said.


John was a good friend of Nello Ghezzo, in whose memory the ride was established.

“Nello and I became very close whilst I lived in Topsham. I recall his red Alfa Romeo in which he didn’t wear his seatbelt. He said it was like betting against himself!

“I worked for him once a week in his kitchen. Eventually he took the night off and I cooked. He is special to me because he was a warm, loving man, with a passion for life. He taught me to appreciate food and wine and the world of cuisine.”

John was part of the team that helped Nello and Marc Millon prepare for their Ride for Life from Topsham to Venice in aid of FORCE.


“That was a special time with us all riding together on a Sunday. The planning and logistics embraced all of us close friends in one way or another.

“To remember Nello by completing the 25th ride is very special to those who were close to him and I am no exception, which is why I am coming over.

“It will be hard as age is not too kind on the legs but I will get round. I am looking forward to the whole event immensely, the challenge though will be the same for me as everyone, the hill out of Dulverton, and, maybe, a bit of saddle rash!”


John will be on the same bike he used for the very first ride in 1999.

It’s been specially restored for the event and has been nicknamed the Yellow Submarine.

“It’s a Reynolds 531 frame, built specifically for me by an Exeter frame builder called Pete Tansley in 1987. Even though it is very old, it is by far the most comfortable bike I have ridden.”

John is hoping to raise £500 by taking part and you can support him at https://forcecancercharity.enthuse.com/pf/john-brandon