Molly’s blooming marvellous

Congratulations to 11-year-old Molly, who has raised £1,173.67 for FORCE from a plant sale in Tiverton.

Molly grew all the plants from seed over a few months and took more than 200 to market.

The big sellers were courgette, cucumber, squash, chilli, tomato, coriander, basil, pea shoots and kale.

Molly’s mum, Jemma, told the Mid Devon Gazette that she was “absolutely thrilled” and offered “a huge thank you” to everyone who donated to the cause.

“I had cancer, which made me aware of FORCE,” said Jemma. “I have also volunteered for them, because I felt like I wanted to be able to give them something back.

“Going through cancer is very isolating and finding an organisation to reduce that isolation was amazing.

“The fact that Molly wants to support them makes me very proud.”

Before the event, Molly said: “I love helping my dad grow fruit and veg and picking it straight from our garden, so I will be selling lots of fruit and veg plants at the market. These have all been grown organically.”

She described FORCE as “an amazing charity” with “a huge team of incredible volunteers”.

We are so grateful to Molly and her parents, who visited our Centre in Exeter to present a cheque for the incredible amount they raised.