Couple support FORCE on their wedding day

Massive congratulations to Caroline and David on their recent wedding – don’t they look stunning!

The couple were married at The Castle in Bude and had the reception at Bude Golf Club.

“We were so lucky that the sun came out. It was forecast to be wet and windy!” said Caroline.

She and David met three years ago and when he proposed, she suggested they ask for donations to charity instead of wedding gifts. They chose FORCE and the hospice in Rochdale where David’s mum spent her last few weeks.

Caroline takes up the story:

“I was diagnosed with breast cancer five years ago. In fact, I have just had my five year check-up and have been discharged by the hospital.


“I was always someone that kept everything to myself, but as I started to visit FORCE and get involved with the groups and treatments that they offered, I realised that it is better to talk to others that are going through the same thing. FORCE offered me a sanctuary at my lowest moments.

“FORCE has a fantastic, relaxing building which was like an oasis in a very stressful time. They also provided me with various relaxation treatments which were so welcome.

I stayed at the hospital for my radiotherapy treatment due to the distance I live away from the hospital. I was able to use FORCE’s building during the day, while I awaited my appointments. I still pop in there when I am at the hospital and always receive a very friendly welcome.”


The couple’s generous friends and family have made donations to FORCE totalling £1,155 so far and Springhill Hospice has received roughly the same amount.

“We have both been blown away by how much both charities have received as donations. Friends can be very generous. We are both so pleased to have asked for these donations,” said Caroline.

“We had a fantastic day on Saturday. The clouds parted and the sun came out, which was brilliant. Everything went to plan and was better than hoped for. We were both shocked at how generous our guests have been to both charities, truly humbling.”

If you’d like to mark your special occasion by asking for donations to FORCE in lieu of gifts, get in touch at or call Ceri on 01392 406153.