Chiefs legend takes on tough challenge for FORCE

Former Exeter Chiefs star Don Armand has joined one of our corporate partners to take on a major fundraising effort this summer.

Don and his wife, Rayanne, are teaming up with RGB Recruitment to tackle the Three Peaks Challenge on July 5.

RGB has been working with Don through his company and he was up for the challenge while supporting a fantastic charity.

Key clients AtkinsRealis, a global construction company, are also on board.

RGB are specialist construction recruiters, based at Winslade Park near Exeter. They have supported FORCE since 2022, raising nearly £20,000 from a variety of events from murder mystery evenings to bake sales.


This is their biggest test yet, as RGB Principal Consultant Sophie Randle explained.

“As a charity committee we have organised and participated in a few sponsored walks over the years, each time a bit more challenging in terms of distance and terrain. This year we really want to go big and push ourselves, as well as giving the best opportunity to raise maximum funds for FORCE. So, what bigger challenge than the National Three Peaks!

“We have just 24 hours to climb the three highest mountains in the UK. There are 23 of us taking on the challenge, with a real variety of ages and abilities in the group. Our epic journey begins with a 520-mile trip from Exeter to Glencoe. After a full day of travelling, we’ll get some well needed rest at our bunkhouse, ready to set off early in the morning on the challenge at Ben Nevis, which, at 1,344 metres (4,409ft), is the highest of the three peaks. The average time it takes to climb is seven to eight hours; we’ll have just five to be in with a chance of completing this challenge in 24 hours!


“From there, we head to the Lake District and Scafell Pike (978 m, 3,209 ft). The final mountain is Snowdon (1,085 m, 3,560 ft), which we’ll be faced with climbing in total darkness!

“The distance between the three mountains is about 480 miles (772km). This means roughly 12 hours of driving time, leaving us with just 12 hours to get up and down all three peaks. Only around 40 per cent of people manage to complete this challenge in under 24 hours.

“Since working with FORCE, we have raised a total of £19,681! Our target for the Three Peaks is £10,000 so hopefully we will smash that and aim to reach a total of £30k by the end of the year!”

The Armands have chosen to be a part of the challenge and help raise awareness for FORCE.


“We realise it is a charity that supports something that is close to a lot of people’s hearts. By partaking in this challenge we can help add a voice to a platform that can bring in some much needed funding for those individuals and families going through some challenging times around cancer and diagnoses,” said Don.

RGB Recruitment has chosen FORCE for three years running because we are local, self-funded and fit their goal of community support.

A member of their charity committee has special reason to back our charity.

Laura explained: “Having watched two women very close to my heart suffer with breast cancer it’s imperative for me to do what little I can to support this fantastic charity that does so much to support families in their darkest of times. FORCE offered my family a lifeline of support, guidance and care that I can’t put into words. Living in London, I frequently travelled to and from Exeter and FORCE offered a place for me to work, cry and just be, all with a cup of tea and a friendly face.”