Keep calm, stay wise, be kind

A coping calendar for keeping calm

This Coping Calendar from the charity Action for Happiness was recently shared with those working at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital.

It caught the eye of our lead Information Nurse Annie Kerr.

“Some of the suggestions can be really helpful whilst trying to get through the lockdown,” she explained.

“Not all of them are possible and some of the ideas will not suit all of us, but hopefully you can find something which is helpful.”

Annie has highlighted Tip Number 7 on the Coping Calendar – Share what you are feeling and be willing to ask for help.

“It is often difficult to make the first steps to ask for help, as you may feel you should be coping.

“FORCE understands that it takes great courage to pick up the phone – but please do, we can offer a friendly ear and let you know how we can help…”

To get in touch with FORCE, please call us on 01392 406151.